Case 2: NorthWind Maven Challenge
Challenge Objective
For the Maven Northwind Challenge, you'll be working as a BI developer for Northwind Traders, a global import and export company that specializes in supplying high-quality gourmet food products to restaurants, cafes, and specialty food retailers around the world.
As part of your role, you've been tasked with building a top-level KPI dashboard for the executive team. Its purpose should be to allow them to quickly understand the company's performance in key areas, including:
Sales trends
Product performance
Key customers
Shipping costsThe dashboard should be built to evolve and accommodate new data over time, but you've been encouraged by your manager to have insights & recommendations ready to share with the VPs. This is your chance to impress!
About The Data Set
Sales & order data for Northwind Traders, a fictitious gourmet food supplier, including information on customers, products, orders, shippers, and employees.
Northwind Traders
Sales & order data for a fictitious gourmet food supplier.
Create relevant insights that are not provided in the metric list/mock-up dashboard.
Key Insights
The most important customer in 2015 is Save-a-lot Markets from the USA with Gross Revenues of $42,806.-, with Net Revenue ( Gross Revenue - Discount) of $36,310.- Of this, 13.6% were shipped late. In 2015 this company bought 11 times and an average discount of 9.8% has been applied and total Freight of $3,104.-
Save-a-lot Markets is served by 5 Employees and the main one is Robert King followed by Nancy Davolio, Margaret Peacock, and 2 more that add up to 8%
Côte de Blaye is the highest revenue-generating product at $67,324.- Net Revenue. There are 2 employees who don't sell this product: Laura Callahan and Michel Suyama. This product is NOT SOLD in Belgium, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, the UK, and Venezuela. Representing an interesting opportunity for growth.
The most active employee in 2015 was Andrew Fuller, with $74,337 in sales and 39 orders to 34 clients. Although one order only generated 8.8% profit compared to the 91% average. This order has Order ID 10983 and it's to the most important customer. The Revenue was $721 and the freight $658.-
The most used company was United Package, commanding 50% of our business at $234,359.- in 2015 and 43% of the number of shipments.
The biggest order in 2015 was for QUICK-Shop for $17,250.- sold by Andrew Fuller Shipped to Germany on February 2nd and shipped by Speedy Express, and the order was Côte de Blaye and Chartreuse verte
The largest discount goes to Save-a-lot Markets, the employee with the largest Average Discount (Av. Dis) Robert King, and the product most discounted is Thüringer Rostbratwurst and the category most discounted is Meat & Poultry.
For example, the most active company is Save-a-lot Markets. Doesn't sell 3 products Chocolade, Longlife Tofu, and Valkoinen suklaa and there are 4 employees that don't sell Chocolade Andrew Fuller, Anne Dodsworth, Laura Callahan, and Steve Buchanan, Robert King doesn't sell Longlife Tofu and 4 don't sell Valkoinen suklaa.
This type of analysis done in the Products Not Sold tab. is an opportunity to generate useful information